Opportunities to Serve
Blessing Box Needs Your Help!
Our box has been well used and we anticipate the need increasing with school out for the summer and the mill closing. You can place items directly in the box or drop them off at the church. Suggested items are:
non-perishable food items, paper products, and toiletry/hygiene supplies. We desperately need shampoo, soap, cereal, canned fruit and fruit cups.
Now Recruiting "church mice"
Church mice are people who do things behind the scenes to help the church function. We are looking for someone to put coloring pages and crayons in the children's bags, to take a turn neatening the sanctuary, and other small tasks around the church. Please contact the church office if you can help.
Children's Ministry Sunday Volunteers are Needed!
We are so thankful that our children's ministry continues to grow and want to make sure we are providing enough volunteers to make church a wonderful experience for our children. We need volunteers to help with Children's Church on Sunday mornings. Our pastor has two young children, and we will need additional adults to help with childcare for the children, especially his two-year-old son, Emerson. Please contact the church office to sign up to help.